Source: Blic
In recently published index of economic freedoms „Heritage Foundation“ and „Wall Street Journal“, ranking 157 states, our country with only few of them hasn't been ranked at all. In case of DR Congo, Iraq and Sudan it is clear that the reason for lack of ranking is that they are in extremely difficult political circumstances, strangled with clashes, in conditions where the system is practically not functioning. Therefore, of course, it isn't flattering or desirable to remain non-ranked together with those countries (with already yesterday's neighbors from Montenegro).Source: Evropa
American Heritage foundation, together with the Wall street journal, recently published this year Index of economics freedom, the document, that is similar to the one that Canadian institute Fraser is publishing, represents probably the most indicative list of this sort in the world. In the index for 2008. 157 countries are ranked, marked from 0 to 100 points, based on the ten factors: liberation of the business, liberation of the trade, fiscal liberation, seize of the Government, monetary liberation, investments liberation, financial liberation, right of the property, liberation of the corruption and liberation of work.Source: Biznis
If the principles, that every expense of the public money should be accessible to the public, were respected a large sum of money would be economized, affirmed by Rodoljub Sabic , Commissioner for the access to the information of the public interest.
Commissioner for the access to the information of the public interest, Rodoljub Sabic said yesterday, that Serbia would save hundreds of millions of euros if it respected the principal, that every expense of the public money should be accessible to the public.Source: Politika
The authorities gave number of information, in higher amount comparing to the year 2006, to the public, press, media, NVO and others who asked for.
Next month, Commissioner for the information that are important to the public, Rodoljub Sabic , will give the report to the National Parliament, about haw the law of the free approach to the information was during last year' s access. Although, it' s too early to make a conclusion about haw much the state and public authorities last year, three years after the adopting the law, gave the right for the public to know, positive movements are noticeable.Source: Blic
The decision of the part-time Parliament of Kosovo about the cession of the part of our county, since it has been made, it' s attracting the biggest attention of our and world public. With the reason, because the "problem of Kosovo" and otherwise tragically complicated complex of relations led to the culmination. Everything happeneds in the terms of the international constellation, that is very hard on "solving" the problem of Kosovo according to the methods of the finished action. That is the thing that demands from us and our authorities, highly responsible relation to everything that could make the different, acceptable solution of the problem realistic.