Source: "Blic"
„Do you have any other job than writing letters to municipal administration?“ This was laconic „answer“ sent by e-mail to one request for free access to information on work of Prijepolje municipality. The applicant of the request for accessing information has also sent me the copy of the „answer“ sent from the address
I have checked in relation to „g.mail“, whether the „mail“ was really from the municipality. It was, so I looked at the data in the annual report delivered by Prijepolje municipality to the Commissioner for Information. They didn't publish Information Booklet on Operations. Training of people for acting according to the Law on Free Access to Information has not been held. They didn't actually work so hard. And during the whole 2010 they have received in total 19 requests for free access to information. It is approximately one and a half monthly, too little for any nervousness.
What is then, the „explanation“ for such a gesture?
The applicant who has submitted to the authority in power a legitimate, legally based request for free access to information has received from (on behalf of) the authority in power an „answer“ in the form of humiliating question, usually reserved for idlers, which was in addition cynically interposed between two formal phrases – „Dear Sir“ at the beginning and „Regards“ in the end!
What is the explanation?
Writer of the „answer“ was obviously not too busy, otherwise he wouldn't even write it. And he didn't even try explaining any, even unfounded „reason“ for which he does not want to give the requested information. He opted for „communication“ which takes for granted ignoring of citizens, and denying exercising of the legally established right, but also he is literally „pulling their leg“. And that is done using computer and Internet paid by the money of those same citizens. That is „explanatory“ only and only by insolence.
It is true that this example comes from a small provincial town, but it is worth of attention and of reaction, and not just from the Commissioner. Even a single example of such „communication“, speaks of huge distance from the normal relation of the power on one side, and the citizens, taxpayers, on the other side. And it is sure that the example from this story is not the only one.