Tax Administration has requested the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection to give an opinion regarding the publication of information about the debts of media companies and their founders – natural persons - for public revenue charges.
In his response, the Commissioner has presented only a general position, since the position on whether certain information should be publicly available, in a concrete case, based on the relevant facts and circumstances, is taken when deciding on appeals as a second instance authority.
The Commissioner has stressed in his response that when deciding on claims the Tax Administration, being the first instance authority, should take into consideration that the rights to free access to information, pursuant to Article 8 of the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance (LFAIPI), may exceptionally be subject to limitations prescribed under this Law if it is necessary in a democratic society for the purpose of protection against serious violations of an overriding interest based on the Constitution or law and that no provision of this Law shall be construed as to limit the rights to a greater extent than is strictly necessary.