Is there an obligation by the state body regarding compilation of the information booklet about operations, in a situation when that body has a web-site presentation, which is considered to be more rational solution?
The existence, form and contents of Information Booklet are explicitly defined by the provisions of the Art. 39 of the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance. Under the same Article, the obligation of the government body to enable the person concerned to have insight into the Information Booklet, or to furnish him with a copy of it.
Accordingly, the Law hasn't left it to the will of the body in power to evaluate if this document shall be compiled and published, or to evaluate the issue regarding rationality of such solution, but it has prescribed that as express legal obligation of the state body.
(The answer is contained in the letter sent to a government body, no. 021-01-5/2006-03 of 02.02.2006.)